Consumer Solutions

At its 6th Annual Kickoff Forum on November 7, 2015, in Austin, CCIF introduced plans for an in-depth exploration of the expectations of today’s electric consumers and the challenges and opportunities associated with endeavors to align policies to meet and exceed such expectations, which are increasingly diverse. For example, some consumers seek greater resiliency, some are focused on meeting sustainability goals, some need heightened reliability, some want to better control their energy use, some have expectations about data management and service provider coordination, and some focus primarily on affordability. In any event, consumers want their expectations met, have access to a range of enabling technologies, and are willing to pursue non-traditional approaches to achieve their goals.  For more information about the 2015 Kickoff Forum, the final agenda is posted here.

Following a series of summits covering these issues in early 2016, CCIF issued a report entitled Consumer Solutions: Meeting Consumer Needs on All Levels.  That report, issued in July 2016, may be downloaded here.