2023 Breakfast & Report Release

Breakfast & Report Release

Navigating the Challenges & Opportunities of Today’s Regulatory Landscape

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

8:00-9:00 am CDT

Hot breakfast available at 7:30 am.

JW Marriott Austin

Register: CCIF2023ReportRelease.eventbrite.com

(no charge; space limited; registration required; others registered)

During this interactive breakfast session, CCIF will release its latest report and feature the following participants from the 2023 summit series to share insights and engage stakeholders:


Hon. Christopher J. Ayers, President, National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA); Exec. Director, North Carolina Utilities Commission-Public Staff


Hon. Tammy Cordova, Commissioner, Public Utilities Commission of Nevada


  • Hon. Emile C. Thompson, Chairman, Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia
  • Mr. Michael Moody, Chief, Special Litigation Division, Michigan Department of Attorney General
  • Mr. Patrick M. Cicero, Consumer Advocate, Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate
  • Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite, Senior Vice President of Regulatory Services, American Electric Power

Please join us as we celebrate the new CCIF report as both a resource on the issues and a foundation for further collaboration. For more info, contact katrina@CCIForum.com or visit the CCIF website.

Promoted By*:

*The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) are promoters of the CCIF July 2023 Breakfast & Report Release.

This event is funded by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). This event is not sponsored by NARUC or NASUCA nor is it a part of the official agenda of the NARUC Summer Policy Summit.

CCIF: State commissioners, consumer advocates, and energy companies working together to provide solutions to meet customer needs.

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